My Thoughts on Blogging

I’ve given it some thought, and I don’t think I’ll throw in the towel on blogging just yet. Thanks to those of you who offered kind words to encourage me to keep posting. Sometimes I fall into the comparison trap – my blog isn’t as interesting or funny as so-and-so’s, my blog lacks focus, my pictures aren’t very good, I don’t post often enough, nobody is that interested in my posts anyway, and on and on.

But here’s what I’ve decided. I enjoy blogging. I’m not a professional writer or photographer, by a long shot. But I do enjoy it, and a few people apparently enjoy reading what I post. I want to give blogging more of my time, because I find that the more often I post, the more enjoyable it is to me. Now I will never be one to post daily, because then, for me, it would become a chore, something I have to dredge up the energy to do. And then I wouldn’t enjoy it anymore. But I’ve realized that I also need to post more often than every few weeks, because if I don’t, then that becomes a chore – something I have to do, another thing to add to my list to catch up on.

I  also realized that I enjoyed blogging more when I lived in Angola. Why was that? For starters, I had a full-time maid. So I obviously had more time to spend on my blog. And the experience was so unusual and mind-blowing that the posts practically wrote themselves most of the time. But I also posted regularly – every week, sometimes twice a week, so I didn’t let weeks pass and then try to remember what it was that I wanted to write about. There are so many things I have yet to write about our Alaska experience, I need to just do it.

So my new year’s resolution for my blog will be to post more often – once a week is my goal. Maybe even twice a week sometimes. You never know.

About staciemarkcoop

I'm a stay-at-home mom, trailing spouse, and follower of Jesus. Loving my life in Mozambique!
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4 Responses to My Thoughts on Blogging

  1. ME says:

    Thank goodness! I really enjoy your blog, even when the posts are infrequent. MIME

  2. Anonymous says:

    I for one and glad you’ll keep blogging! 🙂

  3. I love your blog too, Sandra! I know, busyness does prevent blogging.

  4. Sandra says:

    YAY!!! I did not comment before because I was just busy (I am not blogging much currently myself). I enjoy reading your blogs very much and often share the news with the family (and listen to Sierra complain about not being there).

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